В начале 60-х гг. ХХ в. при строительстве Усть-Илимской ГЭС возникла необходимость спасения уникальных памятников истории и архитектуры общесоюзного значения – Спасской проезжей башни (1667 […]
Accommodation – Brazil is a huge country (it’s the 7th-largest in the world) and accommodation prices fluctuate from city to city and from season to season (with huge increases during Carni […]
5 июля 2023 года стартовал 22-й Межрегиональный туристический фестиваль «Кодар- 2023». Организаторами Фестиваля являются администрация Каларского муниципального округа Забайкальского края, […]
The Louvre in Paris is hosting some of Ukraine’s most treasured works of art that were secretly evacuated from Kyiv to shield them from the war. Their exhibition at the world’s best-known m […]
Руководитель экспедиции: А.М. Бутягин Место работы в настоящее время: Кастелламаре-ди-Стабия (Италия) Экспедиция ведет работы на Вилле Ариадны (Villa Arianna) вблизи города Кастелламаре-ди […]
An open date ticket is valid for three days and gives you the opportunity to visit the General Headquarters at a convenient time for you, without reference to the session schedule. In the e […]
Namibia recorded a 98,1% increase in inbound tourist arrivals last year, according to the 2022 Tourism Arrival Statistical Report released last week. Tourist arrivals grew from 232 756 in […]
Dear friend ! We are the Standu Travel Team, a team of travelers from all over the world. We teamed up in 2022, invited Internet developers to our Team and created the TopTourPlace.com web […]
The developed areas of the park – Lake McDonald, Apgar, Many Glacier and Rising Sun – offer lodging and dining options, but visitors should always pack food and drinks, as these are not nec […]
The third coast guard vessel by the same name arrived in Iceland in 1951. It was constructed in Aalborg in Denmark the same year. In 1972 the superstructure was altered and modified and new […]
My dad always asks what I’m running away from with my travels. A commenter told me to stop running away from my problems and to start living life. “Grow up,” he said. And, years ago, there […]
Europe offers up an alluring range of reasons to visit in April. The continent’s warmest spots are starting to welcome back beach visitors thanks to rising temperatures. Easter ensures that […]
Cambodia is a great place to visit at any time of year and for any number of reasons. Whether you’re travelling to the seaside or the cities, on a budget or willing to splurge, our Cambodi […]
The Louvre museum is hosting masterpieces from the Capodimonte museum in Naples, offering the world's largest exhibition devoted to the Italian Renaissance for six months, along with its ow […]
The House of Russian-Korean Friendship, built on the border with the DPRK in Primorye on the eve of the visit to the USSR of North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, was renovated in anticipatio […]
Московский Кремль — крепость в центре Москвы и древнейшая её часть, главный общественно-политический и историко-художественный комплекс города, официальная резиденция Президента Российской […]
The stress of the pandemic prompted a spike in demand for mental health services – and, as the need continues to climb, hotels are responding with beefed-up staff and programming