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The fortress consists of two objects: object 1 – a fortress wall, partitioned off by a promontory ledge, its length is 200 m. In plan, the line of the wall is slightly curved at an angle towards the field. The thickness of the walls is 1.2-1.5 m. The wall is not high up to 1.5 m, the maximum marks are 2-2.3 m. In some places, at the level of the basement, the masonry is reinforced with large vertically installed slabs. The wall from the floor side is strengthened by five semicircular towers 3.5-4 m in diameter with a 3-5 m extension beyond the wall line. The towers have openings on the inside. In some places, parapets 40-50 cm high can be traced on the wall and towers. In the northwestern sector of the wall there is a passage about 2 m wide. In front of the wall and towers, a swollen ditch 2 m wide and up to 50 cm deep is visible in front of the wall and towers, with a gap in the entrance area . In front of the moat, one can see a heavily swollen rampart 3 m wide and 30-50 cm high. Opposite the towers and the entrance there are arched stone excavations, probably the remains of gouges. On the northern side of the cape there is an equipped trail-descent. Flint flakes are sporadically found on the area of the fortress. The design and preservation of the fortress wall points to the late Middle Ages. Object 2 – a massive rampart at the end of a promontory ledge. The rampart is 48 m long, 10-12 m wide and more than 2 m high. The rampart is zigzag in plan. On the part of the promontory fenced off by a rampart, there are fragments of stucco ceramics, pieces of copper ore and flint flakes, and rarely sections of knife-shaped blades. These materials can be compared with the period of the Bronze Age.
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